Labels:text | screenshot | display | font | software OCR: Do We Need PD LibrAries 01:02 Ufo DO WE REALLY NEED PD COMPANIES? By Neo Dsn/PCT I have been thinking of writing an article Like this for qite a while, conttt - We are the ones who do all when I wrote about the standards in PD the hard work and spend Loads of money and time in making PD, and then it in general. yets passed around to a PD company for In my Mind PD companies are about to free. )Now these basts yo and sell distribute peoples programs this PD at a Chigh) price, charging to the something Like 2 pounds postage. Now hation, to give awareness .. . but are we all know postage prices are really they doing their jobs? I thought PD was a hobby for everybody, but I am cheap (25p for 6 disks), but Look at being proved wrong now since I know the prices in the magazinest -I don't know who is the most quilible, Us who Many `PD companies who make their Living selling PD. My point is, why? give them the PD or those who buy it I thought PD was free, that was how it from them . This brings to my mind a about, PD is Made by US, and form of piracy, where peoples hard came then distributed by the company. lat a work is being sold at a price. Uio pricet= Doesn't it seem Like a bit of 1 Music Print First Next EQ's Help Last Previous Index